A national network of funders supporting strategic, innovative, and effective solutions to homelessness

Funders Toolkit - Grantmaking

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Why the grantmaking of the Zarrow Families Foundation is now in the hands of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color.

In the aftermath of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, the destruction has been devastating and the complete impact of these storms remain to be seen. Those affected face a long road of uncertainty, especially those in poverty or already experiencing homelessness. Philanthropy can and should address the short-term needs to provide safety and protection for people in the path of these storms,...


Completing its fifth year of funding, the Home For Good Funders Collaborative evaluation outlines lessons learned and next steps for the Los Angeles County collaborative.


Initial Learnings from Foundation for Youth Success


How does strategic philanthropy differ from non-strategic philanthropy? What is the role of collaboration? The Episcopal Health Foundation shares its thinking.


With support from Funders Together Houston, The Frees Foundation, and The Simmons Foundation, the Houston Police Department created a Homeless Outreach Team and documented their efforts in a documentary called The Shepherds in Blue.

This collection of resources from the National Alliance to End Homelessness provides information about best practices and implementation strategies for front door strategies, such as coordinated intake, prevention, and diversion. By implementing these strategies, communities can decrease entries into homelessness.