For the next Administration, we have to focus on the real need of housing in this county. Philanthropy can and should have a voice in addressing this need and advancing solutions for it. This page will serve as a living resource that will continually be updated with.....
A Way Home America Transition Plan
This plan from A Way Home America identifies actions and strategies necessary to prevent and end youth and young adult homelessness. The Transition Plan is intended to inform the next Presidential Administration, federal appointees, and members of congress on our collective goals to end youth and young adult homelessness.
The First Step to Ending Homelessness Among Children and Families
This document from the National Alliance to End Homelessness outlines "The First Step" proposal that will allocate $11 billion over ten years to provide children and families experiencing homelessness with short- and long-term rental assistance, and help to get into a home or apartment.