A national network of funders supporting strategic, innovative, and effective solutions to homelessness

Webinar: Cash Transfers as an Emergency Response to Housing Instability

Friday, June 5 | 1:00pm ET | 12:00pm CT | 11:00pm MT | 10:00am PT

Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, Direct Cash Transfers (DCT) have become more and more a topic of discussion. With unemployment rates increasing, many are uncertain what the future holds both during the crisis and in the recovery period. This uncertainty has brought the intervention of cash transfers to the forefront as a way to quickly help stabilize people during times of emergency. Prior to the pandemic, Point Source Youth and Chapin Hall began a DCT pilot to evaluate the impact of DCT on young people experiencing housing instability. With cash transfers, young people are able to pay for immediate needs that support their stability.

In this webinar, we will be exploring cash transfers as a tool in emergency response, during COVID-19 and in other emergencies. We will discuss how philanthropy is currently supporting this work and what additional opportunities there are to leverage this intervention in communities. Panelists will explore the potential benefits and feasibility of using cash transfers for a multitude of populations, not just as a response to the current pandemic, but as an ongoing emergency response to those experiencing housing instability. 


  • Matthew Morton, Ph.D, Research Fellow, Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago
  • Bishop, Jha'asryel-Akquil, Youth Advocate
  • Larry Cohen, Executive Director, Point Source Youth
  • John Kimble, Senior Advisor, New York City Collaborative on Youth and Family Homelessness

Please note that participation in this webinar is limited to private funders, including foundations, United Ways, corporate giving programs, individual philanthropists, and philanthropy serving organizations (PSOs). If you have questions about your eligibility to register, pleasecontact Stephanie Chan, Director of Membership and Programs at Funders Together to End Homelessness.  


Webinar co-sponsor

Thank you to Philanthropy New York for co-sponsoring this webinar and sharing this important contact with your network!

June 05, 2020 at 1:00pm - 2:15pm
Janet Miller Cindy Alvarado Melissa Stafford Jones Darnell Cadette Alex Simon-Fox Brian Paulson Aimee Hendrigan Aliya Buttar Roger Perez Emily Harris-Shears Le Anne Alexander Neill Coleman Emma Heffernan Amanda Lefer Emily Oppenheimer Sarah Persily Molly Gelinas Alan Divack Kristin Aldana-Taday Emily Bradley Mares Asfaha Katheryn Pelissier Rebeca Vicens Dimitra Tasiouras Debbie Reznick Kelli King-Jackson Sam Zito Lauren McGowan Marlene Corrado Elvis Guzman Becks Heyhoe-Khalil

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Showing 46 reactions

  • Becks Heyhoe-Khalil
    attended. 2020-06-08 10:35:31 -0400
  • Marlene Corrado
    attended. 2020-06-08 10:35:31 -0400
  • Dimitra Tasiouras
    attended. 2020-06-08 10:35:30 -0400
  • Emily Bradley
    attended. 2020-06-08 10:35:30 -0400
  • Alan Divack
    attended. 2020-06-08 10:35:30 -0400
  • Molly Gelinas
    attended. 2020-06-08 10:35:30 -0400
  • Sarah Persily
    attended. 2020-06-08 10:35:30 -0400
  • Amanda Lefer
    attended. 2020-06-08 10:35:30 -0400
  • Emma Heffernan
    attended. 2020-06-08 10:35:30 -0400
  • Neill Coleman
    attended. 2020-06-08 10:35:29 -0400
  • Emily Harris-Shears
    attended. 2020-06-08 10:35:29 -0400
  • Roger Perez
    attended. 2020-06-08 10:35:29 -0400
  • Brian Paulson
    attended. 2020-06-08 10:35:29 -0400
  • Alex Simon-Fox
    attended. 2020-06-08 10:35:29 -0400
  • Janet Miller
    attended. 2020-06-08 10:35:29 -0400
  • Janet Miller
    rsvped 2020-06-05 11:02:15 -0400
  • Cindy Alvarado
    rsvped 2020-06-05 10:50:08 -0400
  • Melissa Stafford Jones
    rsvped 2020-06-05 10:43:03 -0400
  • Darnell Cadette
    rsvped 2020-06-05 10:28:15 -0400
  • Alex Simon-Fox
    rsvped 2020-06-05 10:04:08 -0400
  • Brian Paulson
    rsvped 2020-06-05 09:59:54 -0400
  • Aimee Hendrigan
    rsvped 2020-06-04 11:18:30 -0400
  • Aliya Buttar
    rsvped 2020-06-03 00:17:34 -0400
  • Roger Perez
    rsvped 2020-06-02 18:06:34 -0400
  • Emily Harris-Shears
    rsvped +1 2020-06-01 15:50:46 -0400
  • Le Anne Alexander
    rsvped 2020-05-28 12:19:27 -0400
  • Neill Coleman
    rsvped 2020-05-27 14:51:28 -0400
  • Emma Heffernan
    rsvped 2020-05-27 11:29:55 -0400
  • Amanda Lefer
    rsvped 2020-05-27 11:22:00 -0400
  • Emily Oppenheimer
    rsvped 2020-05-26 20:29:34 -0400

We joined Funders Together because we believe in the power of philanthropy to play a major role in ending homelessness, and we know we have much to learn from funders across the country.

-Christine Marge, Director of Housing and Financial Stability at United Way of Greater Los Angeles

I am thankful for the local partnerships here in the Pacific Northwest that we’ve been able to create and nurture thanks to the work of Funders Together. Having so many of the right players at the table makes our conversations – and all of our efforts – all the richer and more effective.

-David Wertheimer, Deputy Director at Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Very often a lack of jobs and money is not the cause of poverty, but the symptom. The cause may lie deeper in our failure to give our fellow citizens a fair chance to develop their own capacities, in a lack of education and training, in a lack of medical care and housing, in a lack of decent communities in which to live and bring up their children.

-President Lyndon B. Johnson, 1964 State of the Union Address

Funders Together has given me a platform to engage the other funders in my community. Our local funding community has improved greatly to support housing first models and align of resources towards ending homelessness.

-Leslie Strnisha, Vice President at Sisters of Charity Foundation of Cleveland

Our family foundation convenes local funders and key community stakeholders around strategies to end homelessness in Houston. Funders Together members have been invaluable mentors to us in this effort, traveling to our community to share their expertise and examples of best practices from around the nation.

-Nancy Frees Fountain, Managing Director at The Frees Foundation

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