Wednesday, October 30 | 3:30pm ET | 2:30pm CT | 1:30pm MT | 12:30pm PT
The Domestic Violence & Housing Technical Assistance Consortium (DVHTAC) is partnering with Funders Together who will be hosting a series of webinars highlighting the intersection of domestic and sexual violence and housing and homelessness. We invite the membership of Funders Together to register for webinars in this series, designed to help you build strong partnerships and effective community responses to ending homelessness for survivors of domestic and sexual violence.
Webinar 3: State Domestic Violence Coalitions and National Funder Relationships: How Effective Partners Can Increase Safe Housing Options for Survivors
Domestic violence state coalitions can build effective partnerships with local and national funders to address the unique, trauma-informed needs of domestic and sexual violence survivors. Join this webinar to learn about how philanthropy can partner with state coalitions and their role in housing policy and program implementation.
We’ll highlight the Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence and their vision to prioritize safe housing by building their statewide victim service provider coalition base to increase housing resources, statewide policy efforts, and implementing their research, training, funding Housing First efforts in partnership with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Learn about NNEDV’s role as a membership organization of State Domestic Violence Coalitions and allied organizations to understand the ongoing and emerging needs of domestic and sexual violence survivors to advance housing best practices at the federal level and with state DV coalitions and advocacy programs.
- Debbie Fox, Senior Housing Policy & Practice Specialist, National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV)
- Peg Hacskaylo, CEO, National Alliance for Safe Housing (NASH)
- Linda Olsen, Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence (WSCADV)
- Marie Sauter, Senior Program Officer, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Other webinars in this series:
• Part 1: Introduction to the Intersection: Domestic Violence, Sexual Violence, Housing, and Homelessness 101 – September 25, 2019
• Part 2: Housing Rights for Survivors: How Public Policy Can Address Housing Instability for Domestic and Sexual Assault Survivors – October 2, 2019
About the Domestic Violence and Housing Technical Assistance Consortium
The Consortium, launched in 2015, provides training, technical assistance, and resource development at the critical intersection of homelessness and domestic violence and sexual assault. Funded by a partnership between the U.S. Department of Justice, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Consortium supports a TA Team of four national organizations: Collaborative Solutions, the National Alliance for Safe Housing, the National Network to End Domestic Violence, and the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence. The Consortium works collaboratively to improve policies and practices that strengthen efforts to build safe and supportive housing options for domestic and sexual violence survivors.
Please note: This webinar is only open to members of Funders Together, private funders, United Ways, and philanthropy-serving organizations. If you have questions about participating, please contact Stephanie Chan, Director of Membership and Programs, at [email protected]
If you are not logged into the Funders Together website, times are in eastern time. If you are logged in, time should reflect your current time zone.

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