The Raikes Foundation Established a Black Leadership & Power Fund—Here’s What It Took to Make it Happen
In late August, the Raikes Foundation announced our new Black Leadership & Power Fund. It was a major accomplishment for our team at a time when many of us were feeling overwhelmed and, frankly, a bit lost amidst the constant turmoil that has engulfed our country. But despite the pain we were feeling during a summer under quarantine and protest, shadowed by ongoing police violence, we knew that we had to do something different after George Floyd’s murder.
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National Homelessness and Housing Organizations Respond to USICH Report
Funders Together to End Homelessness joins national organizations partner organizations in the efforts to end homelessness to release the following statement:
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Opposing HUD’s Attempts to Roll-Back Discrimination Protections for Transgender, Nonbinary, and Gender Nonconforming Individuals
On September 22, Funders Together to End Homelessness submitted a public comment to the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) voicing our opposition to its proposed changes to the Equal Access Rule that would allow shelters to discriminate against LGBTQ+, transgender, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming individuals.
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Philanthropy Cannot Be Expected to “Fill the Gap” in Rental Assistance Need Caused by Lack of Government Support
A statement from Amanda Andere, CEO, Funders Together to End Homelessness and Jeanne Fekade-Sellassie, Project Director, Funders for Housing and Opportunity, on the September 1 CDC eviction moratorium notice.
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2020 Funders Institute: Coming Together Through Action and Accountability for Housing Justice
On August 11-13, Funders Together to End Homelessness held our first ever virtual Funders Institute and engaged in principled struggle to push for racial and housing justice in our work to end homelessness.
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Rethink, Reorient, Reimagine Health and Housing
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has wreaked havoc on health care systems, crippled economies, and amplified barriers to affordable housing for millions across the country. Like a tsunami, the virus has engulfed one community to the next—and in the wreckage further exposed a society built on broken systems. The pandemic has blatantly exposed the longstanding inequities in America due to institutional and systemic racism that people of color have experienced for far too long. It has brought to light the need to urgently rethink and reorient our role in reimaging the affordable housing sector—one that brings health in reach for all.
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Announcing a New Partnership: Bay Area Homelessness Funders Network
Funders Together to End Homelessness (FTEH) and Northern California Grantmakers (NCG) are pleased to announce the Bay Area Homelessness Funders Network (BAHFN).
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A Bold and Dynamic Grantmaking Response to Systemic Racism
Why the grantmaking of the Zarrow Families Foundation is now in the hands of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color.
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Joy Is The Resistance To The Oppression We Face
Funders Together to End Homelessness CEO, Amanda Andere, provided the opening remarks for the virtual State of the Movement from A Way Home America and Youth Collaboratory on July 23 and 24th with a message of joy and hope.
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