Funders Together to End Homelessness is the only national network of grantmakers working to end and prevent homelessness.
We believe that we can end homelessness and philanthropy plays a critical role.

Be a Catalytic Funder
Catalytic funders working to end homelessness focus not on the successes of individual programs, but rather on a systemic approach that addresses the underlying causes. They know that housing-based solutions combined with the right supports can end homelessness, so they so they invest in evidence-based best practices. They take risks to discover innovative solutions. And they raise the bar for everyone else. Using our Funder Resources can help start and expand your efforts as you focus on being catalytic.

Collaborate with Others
No funder has the resources to end homelessness alone. Funders can play a powerful role in convening diverse stakeholders, facilitating system-wide collaboration, and identifying key gaps in homelessness systems. Collaborating speeds up the learning process and enables funders to take a strategic, systems-change approach to ending homelessness. There is power in philanthropy speaking with one voice. Through our programming, you can learn, share, and collaborate at both the local and national level.

Be a Voice for Change
Funders are more than just a checkbook. Philanthropic dollars are small when compared to government funding, but through advocacy funders can build support for new approaches and strategic shifts. Foundations can help reduce policy barriers, leverage funds, and create bridges between different systems to have a real impact on ending homelessness. We can help you learn how to best use your voice and influence to impact change locally and nationally.