Monday, July 27, 2020 | 2:00p ET | 1:00p CT | 12:00p MT | 11:00a PT
The 2021-2022 redistricting cycle that follows the 2020 Census offers communities an opportunity to address systemic inequities and achieve fair distribution of resources and representation for the next decade. Racial gerrymandering (the drawing of district lines so as to dilute an ethnic community’s fair representation) has occurred through redistricting processes across the country over decades; it is a modern-day form of voter suppression and a tool that reinforces institutional racism.
Join FCCP and the Fair Representation in Redistricting initiative for an engaging panel discussion to understand the implications of redistricting on racial equity, how groups are organizing to ensure fair representation, and how funders can engage to support this critical, nonpartisan, democracy work.
- Prentiss Haney, Ohio Student Association
- Rachel Mayes, Southern Echo
- Gilda (Gigi) Pedraza, Latino Community Fund (LCF Georgia)
- Moderator: Evan Bacalao, Open Society Foundations
Cosponsors: Chesapeake Bay Funders Network, Climate and Energy Funders Group, Council of New Jersey Grantmakers, Economic Opportunity Funders, Environmental Grantmakers Association, Florida Philanthropic Network, Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees, Health & Environmental Funders Network, Hispanics in Philanthropy, Maryland Philanthropy Network, NY Funders Alliance, Philanthropy Massachusetts, Philanthropy Network Greater Philadelphia, Philanthropy New York, United Philanthropy Forum, Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers
Note: This webinar is open only to those affiliated with a philanthropic institution, e.g. foundation, affinity group, donor advisor, etc.
How to Register
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