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We held our virtual convening over two days (January 25-26). During this time, we kicked off our network with quick introductions and set the table for the work ahead. Community Solutions presented their upcoming pilot, The Health Care and Homelessness Pilot Initiative. Participants were able to engage in conversation about possible things they would like to learn as this pilot develops. Additionally, participants engaged in discussion around advocacy and policy efforts at this intersection.
- Outside Their Comfort Zone: Health Sector Players Speaking Up for Housing Policy Change: This article provides helpful background on the various policy and advocacy issues which will be explored further in Tuesday’s discussions.
Meeting Materials
- Agenda
Monday, January 25
- Slides for January 25
- Notes from January 25
- The Health Care and Homelessness Pilot Initiative Resources
- Presentation for Health System Funders for Housing Justice
- The Health Care and Homelessness Pilot Initiative Prospectus (September 2020)
- Guide for the Theory of Change for Health Care’s Role in Reducing or Ending Chronic Homelessness in Community
- A Theory of Change for Health Care’s Role in Reducing or Ending Chronic Homelessness in Community
Tuesday, January 26
- Slides for January 26
- Notes from January 26
- Policy and Advocacy at the Intersection of Health and Homelessness
Monday, January 25
Tuesday, January 26
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