National Data and Resources
Understanding Encampments of People Experiencing Homelessness and Community Responses: Emerging Evidence as of Late 2018
HUD Office of Policy Development and Research
June 20, 2019
This paper documents what is known about homeless encampments as of late 2018, based on a review of the limited literature produced by academic and research institutions and public agencies, supplemented by interviews with key informants.
Exploring the Crisis of Unsheltered Homelessness
National Alliance to End Homelessness
June 20, 2018
The National Alliance to End Homelessness launched their Unsheltered blog series, which explores trends, data, and interventions related to unsheltered homelessness.
2018 AHAR: Part 1 - PIT Estimates of Homelessness in the U.S.
Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD)
December 2018
The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) releases the Annual Homeless Assessment Report to Congress (AHAR) in two parts. Part 1 provides Point-inTime (PIT) estimates, offering a snapshot of homelessness—both sheltered and unsheltered— on a single night, including breakdowns by age, gender, and race/ethnicity.
Tools, Policies & Templates for Addressing Unsheltered Homelessness
September 2018
These documents were developed by CSH, based on materials created by Project HOME and the City of Philadelphia, as open source documents for use by any community, agency or organization without attribution to the authors required.
Tent City, USA: The Growth of America’s Homeless Encampments and How Communities are Responding
National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty
This report by the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty (“the Law Center”) documents the apparent rapid growth of encampments of people experiencing homelessness or “tent cities” across the United States and the legal and policy responses to that growth.
Local Resources and Research
Report on City of Seattle and King County Building New Regional Homelessness Response System
Future Laboratories
January 2019
The City of Seattle and King County are committed to ending homelessness. In August of 2018, they partnered with Future Laboratories to launch a community-driven process of listening and, ultimately, designing a stronger regional response.
This website captures the results of this collaborative journey and lays out 10 Actions necessary to move forward. In 2019, dozens of partners across the region will come together to build a regional Homelessness Response System that can achieve greater levels of equity and impact.
California is Moving People into Sheds – But Is It Right?
The Guardian
January 14,2019
This article highlights unsheltered homelessness in Oakland where encampments are being removed by authorities and police. A controversial “tuff shed” experiment, which involves housing homeless people in makeshift structures that resemble basic toolsheds, has taken the place of encampments. Through interviews, this article highlights the flaws in the "Tuff Shed" experiment, while also giving background to encampments in Oakland and to racial inequity's impact on the homeless population.
Principles and Practices for Local Responses to Unsheltered Homelessness: Guidelines for Municipalities
Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA)
October 2018
Street-based homelessness across Los Angeles County creates significant health and safety stressors for the entire community – especially those living on the streets. Strategies to mitigate these stressors must address the concerns of both unsheltered residents and their housed neighbors, as well as share the goal of providing a long-term solution to street-based homelessness. The following policy guidance stems from a recognition of Los Angeles’ unique local context, as well as research into promising practices both locally and nationally.