“Philanthropy is commendable, but it must not cause the philanthropist to overlook the circumstances of economic injustice which make philanthropy necessary.” - The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
I am proud, honored, and humbled to lead this vibrant network of philanthropy committed to preventing and ending homelessness. In 2018 especially, we embodied the words of Dr. King and stretched our learning to action journey to understand the conditions that daily cause our work together to be necessary.
Last month, we celebrated MLK Jr. Day, but I don’t know that we can fully celebrate it until his dream is realized -- the dream for economic and racial justice that would make homelessness truly rare, brief, and one time. And one that would end the disparities we see in the homelessness and housing system because of historic and current structural racism.
But we can honor his life and legacy by recognizing the work we are doing to realize his dream. Our dream; for a more just, caring, and inclusive community. Our 2018 Impact Report is not only a reflection, but a reminder of the work we must continue to do together to prevent and end homelessness.
Thank you to our members, board, staff, and partners who have allowed Funders Together to End Homelessness to have an impact on the field of philanthropy and contribute to the movement to end homelessness.
Let us go in to 2019 thinking about how we can use our voice to create a future where housing is truly a human right, and the conditions that lead to homelessness cease to exist. Dr. King and so many others in the civil rights movements set out a vision for economic and racial justice, and it’s our collective responsibility to carry out their work for a more equitable world.
View our 2018 Impact Report here.