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Our Approach
Because homelessness has no single cause or solution, Funders Together to End Homelessness believes that:
- We must rethink the systems that have allowed homelessness to persist.
- We must support those who are calling for the integration of homelessness systems with other systems working to improve the lives of American families.
- We must improve collaborative efforts and strategic partnerships among philanthropy, government, business leaders, advocates, and service providers.
How We Get There
In order to end and prevent homelessness, we need adequate and affordable housing as well as appropriate income and employment opportunities.
Funders Together supports:
- Full and adequate funding for housing vouchers, public housing, and housing-related supportive services for vulnerable individuals and families
- Creation and funding of housing trust funds at national, regional, and local levels
- Use of federal funds to provide emergency housing assistance to those in need
- Creation of jobs for low income families that provide meaningful opportunities for work, skills development, and ultimately, career growth
- Creation of jobs for youth and young adults, especially those not in school
- Competitive grants to allow for the training of those who are unemployed
- Adequate childcare and transportation programs so low income parents can keep their jobs
- Strengthening the connections among federal assistance, job training, and homeless assistance programs
If you have any questions about these policy principles, please contact Anne Miskey.
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