On August 11-13, 2020 we held our annual Funders Institute virtually and engaged in principled struggle to push for racial justice in our work to end homelessness. Attributed to N’tanya Lee, the concept of principled struggle is that struggle is a condition for change and liberation and that to disagree and grapple with each other is an inevitable and necessary part of racial equity work.
As a movement of funders working to prevent and end homelessness, we collaborated to push and support each other while also finding joy together. We focused our conversations on issues including COVID-19 and homelessness, how philanthropy can engage strategically in policy and advocacy, and how we should use our voice and dollars to seek racial and housing justice.
We kicked off with a plenary conversation for the first hour of each day followed by a choice of curated breakout conversations. Resources related to specific conversations are linked below.
You can read a recap of the Funders Institute on our blog here.
For information and resources on racial equity and homelessness, visit our Racial Equity Resource Page.
Tuesday, August 11 | Designing Strategies for Housing Justice
2:00 ET
Welcome and Opening
2:15 ET
PLENARY: Pushing for Racial and Housing Justice through Strategic Policy and AdvocacyWhen we reflect on all that’s happened in 2020 to date, many of us focus on the outbreak of COVID-19, the reckoning with racial injustice across the country, and a long road to economic recovery. The events of this year present us with opportunities to push for racial and housing justice during the rest of this year and into 2021. This conversation will name concrete activities that can inform a strategic agenda to build political and public will to see the investments and policies needed for housing justice. Speakers:
Plenary Recording: Pushing for Racial and Housing Justice through Strategic Policy and Advocacy
Additional Resources:
3:00 ET
Concurrent Breakout Sessions |
Breakout 1A: How Philanthropy is Supporting Local and National Messaging and Narrative Work to End HomelessnessAt past Funders Together convenings, we've invited researchers, people with lived expertise, and organizers to talk about changing the narrative and building public will to end homelessness. But, how are funders involved in this work? In this breakout session, we'll hear from two funders: Elisa Harrigan, from Meyer Memorial Trust, about how they supported the messaging that helped a local ballot measure to tax wealthy households for homeless services get passed in Portland, OR. We'll also hear from Aimee Hendrigan and Sarah Armour-Jones, from Melville Charitable Trust, about the national narrative campaign they have launched to shift perceptions about homelessness and housing. Speakers:
Breakout 1B: Pushing for Housing Justice When Political Will Isn't AlignedWe know what is needed to end homelessness: investments in permanent, affordable housing. Low-barrier shelters and services that do not discriminate based on gender. Policies and resources that are equitable and support the most marginalized people. But, what can philanthropy do when the political will in your community isn’t aligned? How can philanthropy help use their influence to push for equitable policies and stand against discriminatory, racist, and harmful practices? Join this breakout conversation for brainstorming and peer coaching from other funders who understand what it’s like to work in communities where equitable practices and policies are not part of the political discourse. |
4:00 ET
Wednesday, August 12 | Internal Shifts Toward Racial Equity and Systems Change
2:00 ET
Welcome and Opening
2:15 ET
PLENARY: Shifting Toward Systems Change and Racial Equity: A Conversation About Moving the Board and Grantmaking StrategyIt’s constant and evolving work to focus our grantmaking strategy on systems change and racial equity and to bring the board along on that journey. In this discussion with foundation leaders, we’ll hear how they have been educating their boards and reorienting their grantmaking strategy in equitable systems change and what they found helpful in that journey. Speakers:
Plenary Recording: Shifting Toward Systems Change and Racial Equity: A Conversation About Moving the Board and Grantmaking Strategy
3:00 ET
Concurrent Breakout Sessions |
Breakout 2A: Working Toward Racial Equity in Our OrganizationsFunders have been working for several years to shift their organizational culture and grantmaking to be more equitable. But, what does this look like for members of Funders Together? In this breakout session, we’ll hear from funders about what they’ve been working to change in their organizations to make them more diverse, inclusive, and equitable and have an honest conversation about how philanthropy can hold itself accountable to these values. Speakers:
Breakout 2B: Funding Commitments to Support Black LivesAfter the current protests for Black lives started in May, many of our organizations put out statements in support of Black lives. A few foundations have also decided to back those statements through dedicated funding for Black people and Black-led organizations. In this conversation, we’ll hear about three foundation that have made dedicated funding commitments to the Black community and talk about what the work looks like now that those announcements have been made. Join this conversation to learn more about Meyer Memorial Trust's Justice Oregon for Black Lives initiative, The Denver Foundation's Black Resilience in Colorado Fund, and The Zarrow Families Foundation's Commemoration Fund. Speakers:
Breakout 2C: Systems Change in Employment and HousingAt the end of 2019, Funders Together concluded Foundations for Employment and Housing, our two-year community of practice that explored how philanthropy can bring the employment and homelessness systems together for real systems change. In this breakout conversation, community of practice participants will share what they learned and what they’ve been working on at the intersection of employment and homelessness. Speakers:
4:00 ET
4:30 ET
Virtual Reception Kick-off |
Guest Artist: Philip Metres, Poet Philip Metres has written ten books, including Shrapnel Maps (Copper Canyon 2020), Sand Opera, and The Sound of Listening. Awarded the Guggenheim Fellowship, the Lannan Fellowship, three Arab American Book Awards, and two NEAs, he is professor of English and director of the Peace, Justice, and Human Rights program at John Carroll University. |
Thursday, August 13 | Action and Accountability for Racial Justice
2:00 ET
Welcome and Opening
2:15 ET
PLENARY: Uniting for Black Lives and Calling for Action: A Statement from True Colors United and the National Youth Forum on HomelessnessAfter the murder of George Floyd, our inboxes were flooded with messages of solidarity. One of the clearest statements we saw was from True Colors United (TCU), in which CEO, Gregory Lewis, handed the pen to TCU staff and members of the National Youth Forum on Homelessness to craft True Colors United’s Statement on Black Lives. This statement balances what we know about systemic racism with clear calls to action and shows why we must listen to LGBTQ people of color with lived expertise. During this plenary, we’ll hear from Twiggy Pucci Garçon, Senior Program Director at True Colors United, about how TCU staff and members of the National Youth Forum on Homelessness crafted this statement and why we must follow the lead of people with lived expertise to find justice. Speakers:
Plenary Recording: Uniting for Black Lives and Calling for Action: A Statement from True Colors United and the National Youth Forum on Homelessness
Additional Resource:
3:00 ET
Action and Accountability
In this breakout, participants will be broken up into triads to receive coaching, ideas, and advice about how to move forward a hope or dream to advance racial justice as a funder. This session will require active participation so that participants can receive the support they need to think through what it means to take action and be accountable in pushing for housing justice. |
4:00 ET
Closing |