Read the book, hear from the author, ask your questions.
The Color of Law by Richard Rothstein unravels the case that racial, ethnic, and economic residential segregation today is no accident, but rather the result of intentional government policies, such as redlining, enforcing racial covenants, discriminatory lending, and outright segregation in federal programs.
Join author and economist Richard Rothstein for a conversation about the history of housing segregation in the United States. Read the book, reflect on its implications on the current state of homelessness in our country, and come prepared to ask Professor Rothstein your questions. A guided Q&A session will follow to help put a philanthropic lens on the issues.
Richard Rothstein discusses The Color of Law on Fresh Air
Richard Rothstein in conversation with Ta-Nehisi Coates
This event is intended for private funders, United Ways, Philanthropy Serving Organizations (PSOs), and/or members of Funders Together. Before you invite non-members or non-funders to participate, please contact Stephanie at [email protected]
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