Program Officer, Homelessness, The Arlene & Michael Rosen Foundation
Funders Together Board Member
I am a survivor of poverty and displacement and have been called to the path of service to advocate for members of my community who are currently surviving the indignity of poverty and racism. For over a decade I have worked in our homeless response system in various capacities; including street outreach, case management, and launching/managing supportive housing programs. My background in direct service has given me the experience of working in grant-funded programs. This experience has made me uniquely empathetic to the challenges that non-profits experience.
In joining AMRF, I hope to inspire long-term systems change by bridging the power differential between funder and grantee. I strive to boost communities through transformative relationship building; rooted in trust and power-sharing. I firmly believe communities have the answers to address social issues; what is needed are resources and the freedom/flexibility to implement solutions.
I am a daughter of the East African diaspora born in a conflict zone. I traversed four countries before immigrating to the United States at age 5. In my early years, I struggled with feeling a sense of belonging. Often wondering where home is. As I surrendered to my nomadic truth of being a borderless global citizen, confidence, belonging and home came to me organically. I am indebted to my beloved mother for gifting me fluency in 3 languages and a deep love of travel. Twenty countries later, I’ve learned and witnessed what everyone ultimately yearns for: Love.
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