In the aftermath of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, the destruction has been devastating and the complete impact of these storms remain to be seen. Those affected face a long road of uncertainty, especially those in poverty or already experiencing homelessness. Philanthropy can and should address the short-term needs to provide safety and protection for people in the path of these storms, but should also focus on a long-term response aimed at rebuilding in ways that address the needs of people with the lowest incomes and/or who are experiencing homelessness.
Below is a list of responses and resources by and for those involved in the work to end homelessness in response to this record-breaking storm.
In addition, Funders Together to End Homelessness is committed to sharing how we can support the identified needs of Texas and Florida and surrounding areas. We are currently working with our members local to the area and will provide timely updates and resources that can further aid in the development of both short and long term responses. Please check back and watch your email for more detail.
From Philanthropy
Center for Disaster Philanthropy - Hurricane Harvey Resources
Center for Disaster Philanthropy - Hurricane Irma Resources
Disaster Philanthropy Playbook
Florida Philanthropy Network - Hurricane Irma
United Philanthropy Forum - How To Respond To Hurricane Harvey
United Philanthropy Forum - How To Respond To Hurricane Irma
From Our Partners
Council on Foundations - Resources to Guide Philanthropic Response
Department of Housing and Urban Development - Disaster Recovery Homelessness Toolkit
National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty - Statement on Hurricane Harvey
National Low Income Housing Coalition - Hurricane Harvey's Devastation
National Low Income Housing Coalition - Disaster Recovery Updates
National Low Income Housing Coalition - Hurricane Housing Recovery
Lessons Learned from Disaster Recovery
Conrad N. Hilton - In Practice: Response to Hurricane Katrina
New York Regional Association of Grantmakers - Best Practices in Disaster Grantmaking