Education for members doesn’t come from programming alone. It is important for funders to have tangible and supplemental resources that can further the learning around homelessness, intersecting issues, advocacy, and philanthropy, in general. Funders Together provides a variety of resources based on member feedback and timely developments to support funders as they work to understand best practices and how peers in other communities are working to end homelessness.
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Members have reported utilizing and referencing online learnings and resources to inform and change their grantmaking. Our members say having access to and sharing philanthropy focused resources with their colleagues and peers has helped to influence how they interact with and support grantees, as well as helps to spark conversations and ideas at their organization. In addition, we’ve been repeatedly called on to share our expertise on homelessness and philanthropy for partner resources. |
How We're Doing This
Member E-Newsletters
Funders Together keeps our members connected to the latest news from the field and opportunities to learn from and network with partners and peers through our bi-monthly member e-newsletters. Our e-newsletter is broken into two editions – one focusing on general updates, resources, and news, and the other providing in-person and online programming opportunities from both Funders Together and partners:
- Member News: This e-news shares the latest FTEH blog posts, news about members’ work, resources members may find useful, and highlights our newest members to the network.
- Learning and Networking Opportunities: This communication features upcoming in-person and online events from both FTEH and partners that may interest members as well as a list of where FTEH staff will be in the upcoming weeks.
“We all get your emails and share them with each other, there are such great resources!” - Tipping Point Community
“We read all your emails and like that you especially have so many resources with a racial equity lens, that is why we continue to stay members and so glad the community of practice will focus on racial equity.” - Meyer Memorial Trust
Webinars & Recordings
In 2018, Funders Together increased both the number of online programming offerings and number of funders reached. Funders Together hosted 19 online programs and reached over 220 funders, an increase from the 11 online programs and 160 funders reached in 2017.
As an extended benefit, members can view the recordings of any of the previous webinars through our Webinar Recording page. Some of the most popular webinars include:
- Voices of Youth Count
- Book Talk: Richard Rothstein’s The Color of Law
- Education and Homelessness – Working Together for Students Experiencing Homelessness
- SPARC Phase One Findings
- Engaging Law Enforcement of Key Partners
Blog posts
Our Funders Together blog not only keeps members updated on best practices, timely homelessness news, and issues intersecting with homelessness, but also gives the public a glimpse of how philanthropy is engaged in this work and what is on funders’ minds as they work to end homelessness. In 2018, we produced 18 blog posts featuring topics such as going beyond the classroom to learn about racial equity, how philanthropy played a role in key policy wins, updates from Foundations for Employment and Housing, and what it means to engage in homelessness prevention work. A few of our of most popular blogs include:
- What Funders Are Saying About Racial Equity and Homelessness
- 2018 Funders Forum: Philanthropy's Role In Ending Family and Youth Homelessness
- Homelessness Prevention: Where To Start
- Funders Together to End Homelessness Statement on Amazon Founder and CEO Jeff Bezos Announcement of $2B Funding Towards Homelessness Initiatives
- Prioritizing Racial Equity Through Experiential Learning
Online Funder Resources
In 2018, we redesigned the way funders can find and access resource we offer on our website. This redesign has multiple search functionalities, allowing members to filter our website content by topic (ex. advocacy, collaboration/network, or youth homelessness) and type (ex. blog post, webinar recording, or report). This update helps users find the relevant resource they are looking for in a quicker and more efficient manner. In 2018, we updated our policy priorities, racial equity, and advocacy resources, as well as have begun the process of adding more resources created by partners and members so our website is truly a “one stop shop” for our members when it comes to learning about effective grantmaking around homelessness and intersecting issues.
An accurate census count is essential to our efforts to prevent and #endhomelessness. Learn how funders can ensure a fair and accurate count with resources from our 2020 Census resource page.
— Funders Together (@funderstogether) October 26, 2018
Some of our most accessed funder resources include:
- Racial Equity Resources page
- Census 2020 Resources page
- Grantmakers Toolkit on Ending Homelessness
- Youth Homelessness Resource page
- Advocacy for Funders
- Featured Member Profile: Raikes Foundation
In addition to content and resources created by Funders Together, we also engaged in providing input and expertise to partners during the creation of their resources, including:
People experiencing homelessness have been undercounted in the census time and time again. Check out this brief on the importance of ensuring we accurately count these individuals and families: @FCCPTweets
— Funders Together (@funderstogether) September 17, 2018
- Counting People Experiencing Homelessness: A Guide To 2020 Census Operations by the Georgetown Law Center on Poverty and Inequality
- What Can Philanthropy Do? Postsecondary Education & Job Training: Increasing Access & Completion by Children, Youth, & Families Funder Roundtable
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