The debate about tax reform is heating up, as the House and Senate have each introduced their own versions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act this month. The House voted on its bill two weeks ago, and a vote is anticipated in the Senate this week.
As part of our efforts to provide timely updates on advocacy and policy issues related to homelessness, we would like to share resources and our partners’ updates on these developments and how the proposed tax reforms could affect affordable housing:
- Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: The House Republican Tax Plan Is Fiscally Irresponsible
- National Low Income Housing Coalition: House Committee Approves Seriously Flawed Tax Reform Bill
- United Philanthropy Forum: Statement on House Tax Reform Legislation
- National Housing Conference: Tax Bill Provisions Would Harm Affordable Housing and Economic Revitalization Efforts
- Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: Senate Tax Bill Has Same Basic Flaws as House Bill
- National Low Income Housing Coalition: Senate Tax Proposal Protects Critical Affordable Housing Resources but Fails in Other Critical Areas
- ACTION Campaign: Senate GOP Tax Reform Bill Retains Housing Credit and Housing Bonds
The House version of the bill includes an amendment that would eliminate Johnson Amendment protections from all 501(c)(3) organizations, with changes going into effect in 2019 and then expiring after five years. United Philanthropy Forum issued a position statement about the Johnson Amendment earlier this year. Read more here.
At the same time, we continue to monitor progress on the federal budget and, in particular, proposed funding for HUD and related programs and services.
- National Alliance to End Homelessness: The Alliance On the Hill for the Rest of 2017
- Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: Congress Should Add Funding to Prevent 2018 Housing Voucher Cuts
- Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: Without More HUD Funds, Every State Will Lose Housing Vouchers in 2018
- Disaster Housing Recovery Coalition: Top 10 Priorities for Any Disaster Recovery Package
On November 16, the National Low Income Housing Coalition and other leaders of the Campaign for Housing and Community Development Funding held a webinar on the FY18 Budget Outlook and Impact of Tax Reform on Affordable Housing Programs. You can watch the webinar recording or view the slides to learn about the current status and outlook for the FY18 budget process, the potential impact tax reform could have on affordable housing and community development programs, and how advocates can effectively communicate with policymakers and the public about the need for increased federal investments in proven affordable housing and community development programs.
We also encourage you to utilize our Policy Priorities for the Administration page, which has additional resources and includes a messaging guide for philanthropy to the Administration and Congress around key budget issues, and our Advocacy 101 for Funders webinar held earlier this year with Alliance for Justice.
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